TEMA Can Help
What Happened to the Market Last Week?
A discussion of the series of events during the Polar Vortex and power outages across Texas.
View NowHow to Get Started With Watt Watchers
Watt Watchers of Texas, the K-12 energy-saving program sponsored by the State Energy Conservation Office, has been updated for 2020 and is being widely used across the state. Juan Garcia from Disco Learning Media and Jeff Phillips from the Webber Energy Group at The University of Texas at Austin will share what’s new for 2020, and give detailed suggestions to help you get started in your district.
View NowEnergy Resilience and CHP Microgrids
In this meeting, the DOE’s Southcentral CHP TAP will introduce the market trends and drivers of CHP-based microgrids in educational buildings and campuses. A series of successful case studies in this sector will be discussed along with the services provided at no cost by the CHP TAPs and how to benefit from them.
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The Fast-Changing Energy Policy Landscape
The energy world is changing fast. Renewables are now a major part of Texas' grid, generating 25% of the energy used so far this year. Distributed energy resources like solar and storage are quickly becoming more affordable, and microgrids for resiliency and cost savings are scaling. Energy efficiency policy has not advanced at the state level since 2010 but there is new momentum building, and electric vehicles, including electric buses, are rapidly gaining market share.
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VRF - Technologies & Applications
Join us for a presentation on Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Technology, Modular Applied Systems, Secondary and IAQ Benefits, Energy Savings, Reliability, as well as Owner, Engineer, and Contractor Support. Presenter: Dietmar Zeidler, Development Engineer - Carrier Enterprise
View NowVRF - Technologies & Applications - PDF
This is the PDF of the presentation on VRF technologies and applications.
Download NowMitigating Disease Transmission w/ Germicidal UV-C
This presentation describes the history of Germicidal UV-C technology and its ability to inactivate all known microorganisms including viruses, mold, bacteria—even drug-resistant superbugs, while reducing HVAC energy use by up to 25%. We will explore the three primary applications of UV-C for air and HVAC surface protection.
View NowMitigating Disease Transmission w/ Germicidal UV-C
This is the PDF of the presentation slides from the 08/06/20 with Dean Saputa and Frank Salensky.
Download NowCOVID-19 & HVAC Panel Session
Panel session to discuss the questions, solutions, and impacts of COVID-19 on HVAC operations. Hear from fellow directors and operators, engineers, and filter experts. Panelist - David Hoedebeck - Round Rock ISD Jim Brown - ESA Chris Carter - ESA Tim McSwain - Camfil
View NowCOVID-19 & HVAC - Virtual Meeting Chat History
This is the chat history from the panel session on COVID-19 and HVAC on 07/30/20.
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The Formula Sheet
This formula sheet is based on the prominent formulas used by resource and energy manager's/
Download NowIntroduction to A/C Direct LED Lighting Technology
We are going to discuss the technology of Adaptive AC Direct LED lighting, which offers the opportunity to scale any solution to achieve economical and sustainable options. Presenters: Ken Koos - National Director, Inside Sales and Business Development LifeSheet Solutions, LLC
View NowGovernment Led Panel Discussion
What are resource managers doing during this time to optimize performance and future budget considerations. As we continue to manage the new normal we can modify operations and leverage budget requests to face new challenges. How are those in your position sharing performance information to remain relevant. Also, what experience do others have with the existing technologies that address infectious diseases.
View NowReducing Energy Consumption While Improving IAQ
Overview of technologies and HVAC systems used to control and mitigate pathogens. Disclaimer - information related to infectious diseases are as of 06/25/20, information with may have changed.
View NowOncor 2020 Commercial Incentive Programs
The presentation will cover the Oncor 2020 Commercial incentives programs. Discussion who is eligible for Commercial Incentives, how to participate in the program. The presentation will also cover changes to the 2020 programs compared to the 2019 programs. Including equipment eligibility and baseline changes for different measures. The presentation will also list the incentive levels for the different measures. The presentation will be focused on opportunities for school facilities.
View NowOncor 2020 Commercial Incentive Programs Slides
These are the presentation slides from the 06/18 meeting on the Oncor 2020 Commercial Incentive Program, presented by Cary Betts, Oncor.
Download NowLoanSTAR Loan Program Update
Recent changes to SECO's LoanSTAR Loan Program have been approved and will be required additions when submitting Utility Assessment Reports for loan approval on all future loan applications. The revisions and how they will affect the loan program will be discussed in this presentation.
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LoanSTAR Loan Program Update
These are the presentation slides from the 06/11 meeting on the LoanSTAR program, presented by Jim Brown, ESA.
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LED Lighting: Lighting Science & Microbiology
Lighting, both natural and artificial, has an affect on you. Over the last several years, many have worked on developing and transforming lighting to have a better and safer affect. There are solutions now that can mimic what it's like to be outside and show the course of the sun through the day/night, all the way to disinfecting bacteria safely inside buildings while people work underneath the light.
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Killing Mold, Mildew, Viruses, & Bacteria 24/7/365
We are living in a new world, where the idea that a single virus can shut the world down is a reality. Even before COVID 19, building owners constantly struggled with controlling mold, mildew, virus and bacteria. We still have a large percentage of buildings that are "SICK", and buildings that are breeding grounds for germs, leading to absenteeism and lower performance. We will discuss technologies and focus on a unique solution that is proven safe and effective at killing these germs, 24/7/365.
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Killing Mold, Mildew, Viruses, & Bacteria 24/7/365
These are the presentation slides from the Virtual Meeting on 05/28/20, presented by John Follis of Harvest Innovative Solutions.
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Building Cx: What Does It Really Get You?
This is the presentation slides of the Virtual Meeting presented by Eric Granhaug of NORESCO on May 21, 2020.
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Building Cx: What Does It Really Get You?
A deep dive into building commissioning and exploring what it can deliver to you as an owner and the true cost to you and your project.
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Creating Your Retro-Cx Program
Whether you’re a large district with 200+ buildings, or a small entity with less than ten buildings, maintaining your facilities is a vital part of any Maintenance and Operations Department. This presentation will focus on how to build a long-term plan for your facilities and what it takes to successfully fund, sell, and implement a program to do this.
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Exploring Existing Building Commissioning
This is the presentation slides of the Virtual Meeting presented by Tim Kilby of DBR Engineering Consultants on May 7, 2020.
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Exploring Existing Building Commissioing
The 2004 study by Evan Mills “Building Commissioning, A Golden Opportunity for Reducing Energy Costs and Greenhouse Emissions” is a study of the cost/benefit of commissioning. Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory updated the study with new results and findings in the world’s largest database of commissioning cost/benefit studies for commercial buildings. This presentation will review data for existing buildings and include a case study of an existing, public, high school commissioning project.
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Water Conservation - Tools, Tactics, and Benefits
We will discuss the importance of water conservation and the tools and tactics Energy Managers can use to control their costs and deliver rapid return on investment to their organization.
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Are You Asking the Right Questions - 042820 VM
Learn how to find energy saving solutions. Learn how to convince others to accept change, and to sell others on the value and importance of the efficient use of our resources.
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How To Conversions
In this video you will learn the importance of converting energy use to a single unit and how to convert different forms of energy use to Btu's.
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Discussion Forum - 04/23/20 Virtual Meeting
Enjoy our first virtual meeting and learn from some discussion on current topics.
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How to Virtual Meetings
Are you having issues connecting or have questions about the Virtual Meetings? Click on the resource to learn more.
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Building Shutdown Checklist
Will you be shutting your building down for the summer, for an extended break, or just a long weekend? If so, here are some suggestions for what to do to make sure your building is not wasting resources while shutdown.
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January 2020 Newsletter
The inaugural newsletter contains great information and resources, check it out! Become a TEMA member to receive these quarterly newsletters in your inbox.
Download NowMTEM Accountability Program
Need help figuring out MTEM requirements? Want to partner with someone in your chapter, and both work towards a certification? Download resource information, here.
Download NowMTEM Syllabus 2020
Syllabus information for the Master Texas Energy Manager certification.
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Energy Basics 101 Track TEMA Conference 2019
Presentations from the 2019 TEMA Conference
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Energy Managers Summit Track TEMA Conference 2019
Presentations from the 2019 TEMA Conference
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High Performance Buildings Track TEMA Conf 2019
Presentations from the 2019 TEMA Conference
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IT & Cyber Security Track TEMA Conference 2019
Presentations from the 2019 TEMA Conference
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